Distal Acupuncture/Balance Method
In Distal Point Acupuncture, needles are inserted away from the affected part of the body as opposed to being treated locally as done in traditional Chinese Medicine. For instance, with Distal Acupuncture, an elbow injury would be treated by inserting points in the knee in order to treat the corresponding area in the elbow. Typically, the limbs are the primary area for needling. The areas needled will converse with the affected body tissues and will support the body to perform a beneficial and healing effect. Distal Acupuncture may be preferred for the following reasons:
* Enhanced treatment results
* Symptoms resolve more swiftly
* Smaller quantity of needles used in a treatment
* Far less apt to exacerbate the problematic area
* The patient can customarily stay clothed
* Good end results are more long lasting
Distal Acupuncture is utilized to alleviate internal disorders as well as various types of head and body pain such as: back pain, sports injuries, nerve pain, headaches/migraines, carpal tunnel syndrome, abdominal pain, joint pain, arthritis, etc.
Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
Private instruction in the style of Kundalini yoga and meditation. Instruction would be geared toward growth and healing of areas analyzed through Chinese Medicine and/or BioEnergetics. Kundalini yoga can help with the following areas: stress management, pain relief, flexibility, improved fitness and much more!
BioEnergetic Health Analysis
Evolution Wellness and Yoga uses a BioEnergetic device as a tool for Health Analysis. It assists in exploring the underlying causes of health conditions, using homeopathics to solve them. Each test is completed in seconds, is non-invasive, and without practitioner bias. BioEnergetics assesses the energetic side of internal organs, food sensitivities, allergies, nutritional needs, hormonal balance, toxin response, emotional stressors, digestive maladies and much more. This tool allows for highly accurate readings and contains a 40,000 item database spanning an immense diversity of health disciplines.
Electro-dermal testing devices such as BioEnergetics, use galvanic skin response (changes in the electrical resistance of the skin) to assess the state of the acupuncture meridians and therefore of the energetic health of the entire body. This technology allows the practitioner to measure how the body will respond energetically to a large number of different remedies or other healing substances.
Electro-dermal testing devices such as BioEnergetics, use galvanic skin response (changes in the electrical resistance of the skin) to assess the state of the acupuncture meridians and therefore of the energetic health of the entire body. This technology allows the practitioner to measure how the body will respond energetically to a large number of different remedies or other healing substances.
Meridian Massage
Meridian Massage is a style of deep therapeutic massage & energy healing that implements various Chinese Medicine meridians & acupuncture points of the body. A vital benefit to this style is its effectiveness in relieving the many areas affected by stress such as: skeletal misalignment, pain, carpel tunnel syndrome, body tension, headaches/migraines, fibromyalgia, low energy, insomnia, etc.
Benefits of Massage:
* Increase overall well-being
* Alleviates Pain
* Increases Range of Motion
* Reduces Stress
* Increases Circulation
* Lowers Blood Pressure & Anxiety
* Alleviates Headaches
* Decreases Inflammation
* Supports Digestion & Colon Health
* Fibromyalgia Trigger Point Release
Benefits of Massage:
* Increase overall well-being
* Alleviates Pain
* Increases Range of Motion
* Reduces Stress
* Increases Circulation
* Lowers Blood Pressure & Anxiety
* Alleviates Headaches
* Decreases Inflammation
* Supports Digestion & Colon Health
* Fibromyalgia Trigger Point Release
Photos copyright Sonia F. Tan